Monday, April 12, 2010

Pick a day and write about it. Is there a narrative?

I woke up next to Darcy for the first time in ten days. It felt so nice until we realized that he had slept in. He was suppose to start work at 7am, though it was already 6:45am and we were both still practically asleep. It was his first day back at work and he was going to be late. He wasn't too happy about it. Though I think he took it all pretty well. He kissed me goodbye and I snuggled back into the warmth of my bed.

The air was crisp and I was happy to have the luxury of a sleep in. That was until I heard Darcy try and start his Ute. I could hear the sound of someone knocking on wood, it took a few seconds to realize that it wasn't our next door neighbour starting his renovations for the day. It was Darcy stuck in our driveway. I quickly jumped out of bed, robed myself and ran out the door into the terrible cold. I yelled out if he need a ride to work and he nodded yes. He looked devastated. First he was running late and now his car wouldn't start. I too, was a little devastated that I had lost my little luxury, but I was happy to do it. Although driving before you're completely awake is dangerous, I really enjoyed getting to spend the extra half hour with him. Admittedly, being rushed out of the house at the crack of dawn wasn't so bad, I had so many things to do today and I didn't want to waist it by spending the day in bed. So after dropping Darcy off at work, off I went to Spot Light.

You know that saying.. "I felt like a kid in a candy store"? well I have become that kid. It's my new Adventure Land. I needed to buy supplies for my necklaces.

I had missed a call from my dad yesterday, driving home from Spot Light I decided to call him. During our conversation, I mentioned Darcy's car not starting this morning and he offered to take a look at it. I was grateful that my dad had offered, I was thinking of asking him, but I had plans today, they were now going to have to wait.

Both my dad and brother had arrived to fix Darcy's car, I was happy to see both of them. I made gluten-free pancakes and coffee for us, we had brunch on what is our "stand-in" kitchen table, with my new red and white polka dotted table cloth. I was sick of looking at our outside table set in my kitchen, when I saw the polka dot table cloth Spot Light, I just had to have it.

As soon as my dad left, my brother offered me a cigarette of the laughing kind. I stupidly accepted. In that instant I had forgotten all the important things I had to do. I spent the rest of the afternoon inside my head. I had various conversations with myself and I discovered that my inner voice is male. Specifically, this afternoon, male, Jewish-American and a comedian. Let's just say I had Jerry Seinfeld in my head.

3:30pm rolled around and I still wasn't myself. I was quite anxious as I got into my car and began the drive to Darcy's work. Everything seemed intensified, I knew I wasn't in the best state of mind to be driving. Darcy kindly offered to drive us both home.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with Darcy these past two days. We have definitely had some catching up to do. So now I sit at my desk typing on my laptop, surrounded by buttons, cotton, wool and lace while Darcy ties flies in bed, listening to my favourite playlist. It has clearly been an eventful day.

red text highlights my narrative options.


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